Simple Office Routines to Relieve Stress
Sometimes working in an office can be the cause of our health deterioration mainly because of spending most hours seated, the consequences is that our body loses its vigor and start developing some conditions such as heart conditions, depression, blood pressure among other non-communicable diseases read more here. A significant number of office people will tell you they lack time to do physical exercise because of the nature of their job, the truth is lack of proper time management is the main cause of in activeness, it is worth noting that there will always be a meeting to attend, an email to respond to, a contract you have not signed, an employee to see you and many incessant things that need your attention but if you do not pay attention to your health you will become a slave of your body and job. The good thing with office exercises is that they are simple, fun and some do not need you to move a muscle, the aim is to make you focused, relieve anxiety, and feel energized, most of the recommended office exercises are meant for pleasure and make you have a productive day view here for more. This article highlights some of these office exercises so you can try them.
One of the best, simple yet effective exercise you can do in the office to relieve stress is breathing control, it is worth noting that when we are stressed our breathing rhythm significantly changes and it can contribute to increased anxiety, therefore, learning how to control our breathing lowers tension, to control your breathing when you feel under pressure, place your feet flat on the floor and seat straight on the chair, do not lean back, the take an extended exhale for about three counts, then followed by extended inhale again do three counts, the intention is to clear all air in the lungs and take in as much as possible while controlling the rhythm, do this 4-5 times and you should feel relaxed once you finish use this homepage to learn more.
Make it a practice to switch off all your electronics 5-10 minutes daily, studies have linked eyes and neck strains to staring on bright screens for many hours, furthermore, spending many hours on computers and TVs, have been observed to increase depression, anxiety, and nausea through a condition known as computer vision syndrome, therefore, take 5-10 minutes off from electronics and walk or stretch, talk to your colleague, or go make a coffee visit this site for more info.
A good laugh can be all we need to relieve stress while at the office, the good thing with laughing is that it stimulates the body to produce endorphin hormones in the blood that lowers the heart rate, increases blood circulation, and reduce brain activities making one feel relaxed, jovial, and energized, therefore, watch or do something funny to trigger these feelings.Those are some stress-relieving exercises you can do in office.